Young and old, mild to severe, there is no one face to mental health. The symptoms are as diverse as those they affect. At Chrysalis Health, we work with clients to develop custom treatment programs for their unique needs.
Our clinical services range from counseling clients with mild mental health issues to treating severe psychiatric disorders. With such diverse clients and needs, our team is constantly working to develop individualized treatment programs that give every person we treat the best chance for a full, healthy life.
Mental Health Services
What we do.
Our outpatient programs provide mental health services to children, adolescents, adults and families. After thorough assessment and evaluation to determine treatment needs, our therapists provide individual and/or family therapy in schools, at our client’s homes, or in offices at some locations.
Chrysalis Health has developed a strength-based, on-site therapeutic approach to mental health counseling, which allows us access to a client’s natural behaviors, environment, and support system. Our comprehensive services also include psychiatric evaluation and treatment, if needed, crisis intervention, and treatment planning and review.

Do you or someone you love struggle with a mental health issue?
Do you often feel alone and do not know where to turn? As with most things, the first steps are often the hardest in life.
Instead of obvious physical symptoms, like a rash or a broken bone, it’s your feelings, your way of thinking, and even your behavior which is affected. It’s no wonder that when people first experience symptoms – anxiety, depression, or psychotic symptoms, for example – they often feel alone and ashamed. Many people are reluctant to see a doctor, fearful of being told they have a mental illness. This fear and misunderstanding about oneself can be the most harmful form of stigma, causing delays in treatment and accessing support. This situation is confusing and distressing for family and friends too, and it’s important they get help for themselves as well. Many people say that receiving a diagnosis is a relief – that how they’ve been feeling finally has a reason and a name and can be treated. Accepting that you have a mental health problem, and need help is the courageous first big step to take. The most important thing to know is that mental health disorders can be treated! This means that many people who have a mental illness, and are treated, recover well or even completely.
Chrysalis Health is a behavioral healthcare organization which promotes well-being by preventing or intervening in mental health disorders. At Chrysalis Health we specialize in helping you understand your behavioral health condition, utilize the best treatment available, and equip you to help yourself. With our help, you will gain understanding of your condition, stay connected with other people, and access the best treatment and support. These things will not only help you recover from symptoms more quickly, you will also feel more in control and better able to get on with your life again.
When you or someone you love starts to feel mentally unwell, the first step in obtaining treatment is to call Chrysalis Health to seek the help you need.